Informative message language
The toast should give users non-critical info about action status within an app or another app: record created, instance updated, data imported…
The content should be short and follow this format: {Record type icon} {Action type icon} {Type and action}: {Name of the content where action occurred}.
If an action link is added, it should have a maximum of 2 words.
Information modal
The information modal gives users critical information about an action they performed.
It should follow the following language rules.
Title: The title states what happened after performing an action. It should be a short and descriptive statement.
Content: The content is short and provides users with critical information about an action they performed. Key information should be bold. If there is an issue, a solution should be given.
Button: A “Close” button in the primary style should be displayed on the right-hand side.
If the modal inform users about an issue, the primary button should be the one allowing users to fix the issue and it should start with a verb. The default button should be the close button.
If the modal is used to confirm a bulk action, it should follow these rules:
Title: {Action type} confirmation.
Content: A “summary”, showing which actions were successful versus which ones weren’t, is displayed on the top. The numbers shall be bolded as well as the terms “not” and “successfully”. All items acted upon are placed in a scrollable table. The first columns shall always show the status of the action with the failures on top. The status message for the failures should follow this format: “{Error icon} Error: {Error type + (detail to fix it)}”. The status message for the successful item should be: “{Item} was successfully {action type}.”
Button: A “Close” button, in the primary state, shall be placed on the lower right.