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Dropdown component

Also referred to as: dropdowns; popover; popovers; dropdown menu; dropdown menus; popup menu; popup menus; popover menu; pop-up menu; pop-up menus; pop up menu; pop up menus; popover menus;

A dropdown allows users to see information or choose a list item from an overlay window. It can be used to display the menu of a pane.

Dropdown button component

Also referred to as: dropdown buttons; drop down button; drop down buttons;

A dropdown button displays a dropdown on click.

Select component

Also referred to as: selects; dropdown; dropdown list; dropdowns; dropdown lists; select dropdown; select dropdowns; selection dropdown; selection dropdowns; single select dropdown; single select dropdowns; single-select dropdown; single-select dropdowns;

A select field allows users to select one option from a list of more than 10 items. 

Autosuggest component

Also referred to as: auto-suggestion; type-ahead; typeahead; type ahead; autocomplete; auto-complete; auto-completion; auto-suggest dropdown; suggestion; suggestions;

Autosuggest gives users suggestions based on the text field input.

Pane menu component

Also referred to as: pane menus; pane header dropdown; pane header dropdowns; pane header action menu; pane header action menus; pane action menu; pane action menus; action menu; action menus; action dropdown; action dropdown; actions dropdown; actions dropdown; pane actions; primary action; secondary action;

The pane menu allows users to perform actions related to the pane content
In FOLIO, there are several different components and patterns that can be used to choose data from a controlled vocabulary. The purpose of t...

Timepicker component

Also referred to as: timepickers; time picker; time pickers; time-picker; time-pickers; time-picker dropdown; time-picker dropdowns; time dropdown; time dropdowns; time chooser; time choosers; time picker dropdown; time picker dropdowns; timepicker dropdown; timepicker dropdowns; choose time; pick time; pick a time; choose a time;

A timepicker allows users to pick a time from a small overlay.
FOLIO library is a Sketch file with all the components needed to design a FOLIO app interface from scratch.

Upload files component

Also referred to as: uploader; uploaders; upload; files; attachments; media upload; file upload; file uploader; media uploader; add files; add file; drop file; drag and drop file;

The upload files component allows users to upload one or multiple files.

Multi-select component

Also referred to as: multiselect; mulitselects; multi select; multi selects; multi-selects; multi-selection; tags field; tag field; tags;

A multiselect field allows users to select several options from a list.