Search & sort recipe
The search and sort pattern allows users to quickly search, sort and browse sets of records.
Search and sort is a pattern that produces a 3 pane layout with a search & filter pane, a result pane, and a record pane.
Generally, the following ingredients are used to build search and sort:
- Checkbox
- Pane
- Search field
- Date range filter
- Multiselect
- Search button
- Reset button
Step 1: Users can start a query in the search & filter pane
Step 2: Users should see a list of results in the result pane.
Step 3: By clicking a list item, more info about the item should be displayed in the record pane.
Customized your search and sort component
For different layouts and more specific filtering needs, recipes can be used for search & filter, result and record panes.
To create a customized search and sort pattern, simply use the ingredients (listed previously) in a way that better fit your app.